Monday, February 18, 2013

Burn It.

Okay, so, for the most part, I LOVE working out, especially when I go to bootcamp classes--they keep me motivated and are always switching things up so I don't get bored. But sometimes, exercising can be a struggle--I'm tired, I don't feel good, my feet hurt, I don't want to drive to the gym, it's so freakin' early, oh, you know all the excuses.

I think I play this trick on myself where I feel like I HAVE to be at the gym or in a class to be getting a good workout or ditching any of those unwanted calories. FALSE! Recently, I've discovered the joys (yeah, "joy" is pushing it..) of running outdoors, but there are so many other things one can do to burn calories, too!  I started brainstorming this afternoon, thinking about both ways to get a good workout without a gym membership, and also just ways to burn a few extra calories each day, and here's a little list I've compiled, entitled:


1. Dance! Put on some great music and get weird in your living room. I prefer to do this when I am home alone, and just hope and pray the neighbors don't complain about how loudly Whitney Houston is playing.
2. Take the stairs as much as you can. I live on the fourth floor, and it is so much easier to just hop in the elevator, but I try to fight it! Even if I've got two bags to carry, it is manageable!
3. Exercise while watching TV! I like to keep my eight pound free weights handy and do things such as bicep curls while I am watching a show. Or, if you have actual television and not just the Internet like me, do crunches during the commercials! Try it! It takes nothing away from the entertainment--in fact, I like doing this because it makes me forget I'm getting a workout!
4. Walk your dog! Run with your dog! Play with your dog! Or, if you don't have a dog, borrow a friend's! Or go volunteer at a shelter and play with those doggies!
5. See how quickly you can clean the house--and scrub those floors on your hands and knees! I live in a studio, but am surprised how dirty it can get! A good, thorough clean always makes me break a sweat.
6. Challenge some friends to a game of bowling! Yes--it's a sport! It's so funny, but the last time I went bowling, we played two games in a row, and the next day my arm was sore from lobbing that weighted ball!
7. Take a hike! Grab a pal, or significant other, or coworker, and make them go with you. Torching calories is fun in a group!
8. Turn everything into an excuse to workout! I do calf raises while washing the dishes, squats while drying my hair, and lunges while brushing my teeth. Why not?!

Maybe some of these will work for you! Now that I've written this silly little list, I better stay true to them. Okay, NO ELEVATOR FOR ME TOMORROW. I'm off to brush my teeth and do some lunges...I better practice what I preach, right??

I'm a big proponent of the get out there and play with your dog idea. Here's me and my dog, Barkminster Fuller! He still lives in Illinois for now, because I don't know where I'd put a 70 pound pup in our studio. I miss him tons, but my parents are really good dog sitters. Plus, he is such a good exercise buddy--he never stops going!!

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